Social Networking

I just got back from the Higher Education Web Developers conference. It was a wild time. I was struck by the parallel threads of social networking as a web phenomenon and how much time was spent at the Hyatt Bar engaging in ...what? 3d social networking? Social networking without a "Save" button? I don't know. I concede there are many smarter people than I out there who can pontificate on that.
But as I stared at my fairly unremarkable glass of red wine (Honestly, upstate NY has nothing to be ashamed about in the Riesling department and they're making headway with Cab Franc. Why couldn't they show a little pride in the local and sell it?), It occurred to me that, while I struggle to hang on to the digital social world, my wife and I are creatures of the cocktail nation and seasoned veterans of the physical social world. More importantly, my wife is a wine steward with an amazing palette and we drink a LOT of wine.
So with that in mind, I have found something to blog about. I'm going to tell you what we had to drink last night and what we thought of it.